One in every four homeowners with a mortgage now owes more on that loan than the house is worth. Many are choosing to walk away, they’re choosing to walk away rather than pour money into a home that will take years to regain its value.
Homeowners who are making their payments on time but are on the verge of default, the loan modification program can reduce their credit score as much as 100 points. That makes it harder to get a loan and can present a problem when applying for a new job.
Housing counselors say it’s unfair, especially because the news often comes as a surprise to homeowners.
“Why should people’s credit be hurt even worse when they’re trying to do the right thing?”
Still, the impact is far less severe than a foreclosure, where borrowers typically find their credit is in tatters for years. That’s due to the cumulative impact of many months of missed payments and the foreclosure itself, which drags down a homeowner’s’ credit by 150 points or more on a scale of 300 to 850.
To enroll in the “Making Home Affordable” program, borrowers enter a trial period in which they make at least three payments. But some are finding out that their credit score takes a dive during this trial phase. It happens once their mortgage company notifies the three big credit bureaus — Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.
What is the answer? I am not sure, what are your thoughts?