With summer coming to a close, the Indiana weather effect is coming in full force. Cooler temperatures in the morning warm up to a comfortable afternoon and then cool off again in the evening. Setting and readjusting your thermostat can be costly, so here are a few ways to save energy (and money) as we roll into fall.
- Try setting your thermostat to 68 during the day and lower the temperature when you go to bed or aren’t home.
- Every degree lower you set your thermostat, you save 2% on your heating bill. If you turn your thermostat down 10-15% for 8 hours per day, you can save up to 10% on your heating bill per year.
- Be sure not to block your radiators or heating vents with furniture or curtains. Keep them clean and dust-free and close vents in unused rooms.
- Your water heater can account for 14 – 25% of the energy used at your house so turn your water heater down to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Open your curtains during the day to allow the sun to heat your rooms and close them at night to reduce the cold air that may come through the windows.
- Ensure your appliances are running efficiently by cleaning your refrigerator’s coils and removing lint from your dryer’s hose. Refrigerators use more energy than any other home appliance and lint in your dryer’s hose can increase the energy use by 30%.
How will you save energy this fall and winter?
Visit NSTAR, the Department of Energy and Organic Gardening for more information and tips on saving energy.